Reduce carbon emissions

A new forecast from the independent body Carbon Tracker predicts that Europe’s carbon price will double by 2021, forcing the most polluting industries to significantly reduce their emissions over the next three years.

In 2005, as part of a commitment to combating climate change, the European Union launched its Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS).

The programme sees a limit placed on the volume of greenhouse gases that can be emitted by heavy energy users such as those in the power generation and manufacturing industries.

Companies receive or purchase capped carbon emission allowances which they may trade with one another if required. Over time, the cap is gradually reduced so that emissions drop.

Companies failing to surrender enough allowances to cover all emissions face considerable fines, while cleaner businesses can sell on excess allowances to under-performing rivals.

Of all the power consumed by industry, around two thirds is attributed to electric motors, therefore this is a key area upon which to focus energy reduction in order to lower bills and emissions.

Gibbons Engineering Group supplies a comprehensive range of energy-efficient IE3 and IE4 motors and driven equipment such as pumps, gearboxes and HVAC systems to help businesses across all sectors lower their bills and carbon emissions.

In addition, we supply ABB variable-speed drives, which can reduce energy consumption by as much as 60% in many applications, offering a typical return on investment of 12 months or less.

If you’d like to discuss reducing your company’s carbon emissions, call Gibbons on 01621 868 138 or email

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