Cooling Tower Upgrade for Major Retailer2019-09-20T11:04:41+01:00

Project Description

The Problem:

The incumbent facilities company working on behalf of one of the UK’s largest grocery retailers asked our HVAC team to undertake an assessment of the existing cooling tower HVAC plant at its London offices. We were asked to assess the HVAC plant’s condition and identify energy-saving opportunities.

Using state-of-the-art monitoring equipment, we measured the vibration and airflow levels of the fans and recognised that they had reached an age and condition that meant they were beyond economical repair.

Our Solution:

We therefore replaced the scroll fans along with a set of ABB drives, which allows the fans to run with a 20% speed reduction – providing a 50% power saving.

We undertook a complete package of works, removing the old fans, designing and manufacturing new steel fan frames, supplying and installing the new drives and making necessary modifications to the control panels.

In order to allow the facility to remain operational at all times, this project was carried out on a rolling programme.

Read the full case study here.

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HVAC project for major UK retailerHVAC project for major UK retailer
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